Improved Energy Testimonials

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Hannah Williams

My 💚 energy is the best pre-workout ever!!!

I have so much energy!!! It keeps me going, pushing me on longer walks! But it also gives me motivation and stamina!!
I haven't jogged in 10 years!! That was 2 babies and 2 c-sections ago! I feel SO GOOD after taking this!!

It's amazing what proper nutrition from the 💚 energy, detox from the 💜 pill and restful sleep from the 🤍 pill can do for you when you use it as a tool to meet your goals!!

Renee Killough

My results in just over a month!

I’m ( 53 ) years YOUNG!!! I started this journey in March shortly after My 36 year old son ( Billy ) started.

Words cannot even express the gratitude🙏🏻 I have for this company!!
From the products to the comp plan, my life has been changed!

First thing I did after a week was ditch the scale 🤪 I’m an inches girl and you might be too! Don’t get fixated on the scale, it’s never accurate. I just kept trying on clothes and realized I was reaching in the back of my closet for my smaller jeans and tops. 😁🔥

It’s just mind blowing how three little 💊 could do so much in Just a very short time!!

What I do -
💊Purple -mid morning
💊White -bedtime

Zero exercise
Eat 3 times a day chicken-rice salads , fruits , ( no veggies ) WW ice cream bars , I do have what ever I want at least 2 times a week. 1/2 my weight in oz of water. <——MUST

I have
🔥more energy,
🔥mental focus
🔥reduced stress,
🔥sleeping 😴 better.

Bonus!!! My clothes fit so much better!! 💪❤️🔥

Stephanie Greer

These 3 little capsules have changed my life in SEVEN days.
I’m a nurse and full time student working on my bachelors degree.

I am that person that lived on espresso coffee, 5 hour energy shot, monster and more to keep me focused and to make it through the day. Day one: I slept better than I had slept in months. As of today, being day 7, I haven’t had a 5 hour energy, or anything else then maybe 16oz of coffee cause i love my coffee. I’m drinking a gallon+ water a day. I am getting my health back.

Ohhh and I’m premenopausal RA hypothyroid patient... decreased hot flashes ❤️

Katelyn Mueller

From April 10, 2020 to June 7, 2020 I have lost 15 pounds, two pants sizes, and 29 inches on my body.

I have an insane amount of energy, my mood is so much better, I am not as grumpy, my appetite is suppressed, I'm sleeping through the night.


If you haven't tried this three pill system, you're missing out!

I came here for the energy and the sleep but melting is nice too 🥰

Samantha Fountian

Here’s a little story, gather around 😉

I’m an active person, even my job has me slaying miles on my feet per day...Well enter stage left
THE RONA. I got layed off and within 2 weeks put on 8lbs. I didn’t feel myself, when I sat down I could grab a handful of fat like a burrito, the Quarantine had started to make me mentally depressed, and my energy went from awesome sauce to icky sauce. I did a lot of research on a 3 pill system, and decided to give it a whirl.

Within the first 20 minutes of taking my day pill I felt my energy and spark for life ignite. I FELT IT!

I got excited, but didn’t want to get overly stoked. A week went by and at that point I knew this system was legit and doing exactly what it says it will. That’s when I took my first before picture. I had already lost 5lbs, gained mental clarity, energy, best sleep, etc... I’m a month in now and I feel FRICKEN AMAZING, still dropping the lbs and haven’t been able to work out, somehow my abs are winking at me saying, “remember us!”

Victoria Harper

After only 1 week on Elev8. I finally have the energy to work out at 530-6am everyday.

Woohoo!!🙌🏽☺️ I was a tired nurse, wife, mom and gamma.


Now I’m raring to go!!😉👏🏽❣️

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